Saturday, July 18, 2009


Echinoids | THEVERYMANY | Bridge Gallery | 2009 | nyc

"-oid" is derived from the Latin suffix -oides taken from Greek and meaning "having the likeness of". Thus it is a suffix much used in the sciences and mathematics to indicate a "similarity, not necessarily exact, to something else".
Thus Rhomboid means "like a rhombus". Because -oid denotes similarity, not necessarily exact, but can also denote exactness, in chemistry the suffix refers to a very large class of related compounds, natural and/or synthetic. Examples include steroid (of which sterols are just one smaller group) and alkaloid.
(ie wikipedia)

From many parts...
Long. 13.5ft - Larg. 5ft - Height 7.5ft
530 modules
25 Sheets (4*8") Walnut veneer (800 Sft) + olive oil
1600 of Elastic bras straps (Brown, Black, Navy Blue)
4500 screws

To logistic of parts...
Lacing time: 1/2h/module - 40 modules/day!


THEVERYMANY | Marc Fornes, Skylar Tibbits, Mat Staudt

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Monday, July 06, 2009


Once more many parts...

98 Ochard Street New York NY 10002
Opening: Thursday July 9th
(as part of the collective show "Wild child" curated by Peter Macapia)

It is all about "rustic computation"...

Full credits shared with the MANY who made this installation possible...
Also many thanks to PRATT INSTITUTE and our friends at ANYLINE NYC for the laser cutting...

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090706_for_SEED MAGAZINE

Approximation of the Mind

Commissioned by Seed Media Group and The Council on Competitiveness as a gift to Sheryl Handler, CEO of Ab Initio, at The State of Innovation Summit in Washington D.C..

Sponsor (Rapid Prototyping): Harbec Plastics

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