Tuesday, July 24, 2007


"scriptedbypurpose" is the invited part of an exhibition at the F.U.E.L. Collection in Philadelphia in September for which Marc Fornes & theverymany got involved into by Skylar Tibits/SJET as curator on explicit and encoded processes within design.

here is the very first step, the webpage (beta) and the list of participants (to be completed): read, enjoy, and please come!


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Friday, July 20, 2007


LOG : here are the results of the very first rhinoscripting class I am starting to teach within SOM (Skidmore Owings and Merill LLP) - yet still very basic array space and crude components (two arrays and three curves further) but nice introductory exercice to .VB for the second session of three hours - more to come...

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Small utility following on a previous experiment "mapping for tailoring" which would split a surface according to Angle anaylis or curvature analysis...

Update : developpment of a generic Rainbow color gradient function according to a a list of pre-set colors - the function is allocating a color gradient according to the number of colors and the order of the defined colors placed into the list...
next step is to deelopped the blending part...

- subdivide nurbs surface either as point set or polysurface
- calibrate reference vector
- for each surface/points measure angle vector to normal

Extended option (yet not optimal in terms of speed)
- for each angle contour areas, check if subsurfaces are sharing an edge
- if yes delete both edges
- join left boundaries as "angle contour lines"
- split surface

EXTEND: (ie wikipedia)

CALIBRATION: Calibration refers to the process of determining the relation between the output (or response) of a measuring instrument and the value of the input quantity or attribute, a measurement standard. In non-specialized use, calibration is often regarded as including the process of adjusting the output or indication on a measurement instrument to agree with value of the applied standard, within a specified accuracy. (...) Calibration also can refer to judgments made by a prognosticator, for example, a weather-forecaster who states that "there is an 80% chance of rain today," if properly calibrated, will say this on precisely 80% of the days during which it rains.

Monday, July 09, 2007


"INTERIOR DECORATION or décor is the art of decorating a room so that it is attractive, easy to use, and functions well with the existing architecture. The goal of interior decoration is to provide a certain "feel" for the room; it encompasses applying wallpaper, painting walls and other surfaces, choosing furniture and fittings, such as light fixtures, floorplans and providing other decorations for the area such as paintings, sculptures and carpets." (i.e. wikipedia)